viernes, agosto 12, 2016

Wallace Stevens / De "Un anochecer cualquiera en New Haven", 3


El profesor Eucaliptus dijo: "La búsqueda
De la realidad es tan importante como
La búsqueda de dios." Es la búsqueda del filósofo

De un interior vuelto exterior y la búsqueda
Del poeta de ese mismo exterior vuelto
Interior: cosas inanimadas respirando absortas

Las inhalaciones del frío original y del principio
Original. Sin embargo, la sensación de frío
Y de principio es una sensación cotidiana,

No del predicado del origen resplandeciente.
La creación no se renueva con imágenes
De vagabundos solitarios. Recrear, usar

El frío y el principio y el origen resplandeciente
Es buscar. Lo mismo que decir de la estrella vespertina,
La luz más antigua en el cielo más antiguo,

Que es totalmente una luz interior, que brilla
Desde el seno somnoliento de lo real, recrea,
Busca un posible para su posibilidad.

[The Auroras of Autumn, 1950]

Wallace Stevens (Reading, Estados Unidos, 1879 - Hartford, Estados Unidos, 1955), "Un anochecer cualquiera en New Haven", versión de Darío Rojo y Jorge Salvetti, Tupé N° 6, Buenos Aires, febrero de 2016


Professor Eucalyptus said, "The search
For reality is as momentous as
The search for god." It is the philosopher’s search

For an interior made exterior
And the poet’s search for the same exterior made
Interior: breathless things broodingly abreath

With the inhalations of original cold
And of original earliness. Yet the sense
Of cold and earliness is a daily sense,

Not the predicate of bright origin.
Creation is not renewed by images
Of lone wanderers. To re-create, to use

The cold and earliness and bright origin
Is to search. Likewise to say of the evening star,
The most ancient light in the most ancient sky,

That it is wholly an inner light, that it shines
From the sleepy bosom of the real, re-creates,
Searches a possible for its

Professor Eucalyptus said, "The search
For reality is as momentous as
The search for god." It is the philosopher’s search

For an interior made exterior
And the poet’s search for the same exterior made
Interior: breathless things broodingly abreath

With the inhalations of original cold
And of original earliness. Yet the sense
Of cold and earliness is a daily sense,

Not the predicate of bright origin.
Creation is not renewed by images
Of lone wanderers. To re-create, to use

The cold and earliness and bright origin
Is to search. Likewise to say of the evening star,
The most ancient light in the most ancient sky,

That it is wholly an inner light, that it shines
From the sleepy bosom of the real, re-creates,
Searches a possible for its possibleness.
Foto: Stevens en su casa en el 118 de Westerly Terrace, Hartford (Huntington Library)

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